Martin Koníček


Does it make sense to read and follow personal development?

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I've always been an avid reader of professional books, a follower of educational YouTube videos, and a devourer of self-development literature, and I'll tell you this, lately all these things have stopped making sense to me.

Why really? Firstly, those things work and are true, I have long dealt with personal development, and really, when you create your own vision, and remind yourself of it, and work on it every day, it will work! Yes, many things repeatedly reiterated in personal development really work, so why am I saying that I no longer want to deal with it?

The problem is that reading about all these things is more of an obsession, the magic is in their implementation and doing. You can go to the dentist a hundred times, and have him repeat that you should carefully brush your teeth every day, but until you start doing it, it doesn't make sense, even if you've read a hundred books on tooth cleaning.

Yes, it sounds quite clear, but this implementation is a big problem, and you encounter various problems that need to be solved. I am therefore a big opponent of one-day trainings or miraculous books and procedures, the key is that someone advises you long-term and "coaches you", and of course, that is expensive, and you can't get rich on it - personal coaching can't be sold in a million copies, and the worst thing is, the people who need it the most can't afford to pay you, so this doesn't really work in practice either.

If someone reads my articles, they might say, hey, he might even be able to write a bit, and present, how so? Even though the English isn't ideal, of course. The trick is that I ran two blogs - not under my personal name, and earlier I wrote at least a thousand posts, so I already have some practice, and I can - when I feel like it, write readable and to the point, and it's not that problematic for me.

Just as when I work in IT, in my main field, I can often solve wonders, completely abstract tasks, political delicacies, and things that no one in the entire IT department wants to do, and with which everyone struggles - typically long-term projects with a political subtext, and even if I wrote here a hundred times how I do it, you probably wouldn't be able to implement it yourself, and explain it correctly, it's simply practice, experience, and I have it lived through, maybe it could be written in a book, but it can't be passed on by a book or a one-day training simply and plainly.

The worst thing is always to capture the right essence of the problem in any field. For example, I now listen to podcasts of czech youtuber, who talks about management and trade, and because I try to see into it too, I know that he is absolutely right. The problem is that he is only repeating, and reassuring me in what I already know, and what I have found out myself, otherwise I would never know in a flood of books what is and what is not to the point, and certainly not according to some rating on Amazon, because simply put 90% of people are not good, so their ratings don't make sense.

Maybe it's the only thing that makes sense to me, to listen to someone who just repeats or captures what I've been thinking for a long time, and only confirms my assumptions on which I'm pondering, but otherwise in a flood of information you can't actually recognize what is done for popularity - that's what most people think, but they think it wrong, and what's really true, but for example with that most people disagree, even though that's exactly how it is.

For example, in my field of IT, I would say that it is about long-term projects and their completion, not unlike the public sector, and with a huge amount of politics. If you want to accomplish, push through and prove something in IT, you have to understand how intra-company politics works, without it, you simply won't succeed.

However, if I came up with this to 90% of technicians - and no, they are not good, they would laugh at me, that it's not like that, that it's nonsense, and that it doesn't work like that, and then they would be here crying behind the corner, that they are misunderstood by the world and society, and what they intended to do, they can't push through, and how else, it's the fault of others, after all, they don't do anything wrong.

For me personally, the evaluation criterion of the correct opinion is simple - it works / it doesn't work, and yes, I know, I am weird. And the problem I am now encountering on YouTube as well as in books is that the evaluation of the correctness of the opinion is rather in the logic - it is popular / it is not popular. After all, as Warren Buffett says, he has a simple and functional strategy for making money, and the reason why nobody uses it is that it is a "get rich slowly" scheme. Absolutely great and functional, but crowds are swirling around books "how to get rich in 30 days". And that's just it, usually we don't read about what works, but what people want to hear.

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